The Sowerby Group space cow

The background
It’s not everyday that you are asked if you have ever wrapped a cow! But this is what we were tasked with, wrapping a full sizes fibreglass cow in graphics.
“I cannot recommend Advance Digital Graphics enough in terms of their customer service, loyalty, costing and attention to detail in every project they undertake for the agency. The cow was a challenging project and frustrating at stages for all involved, but the professionalism and can do attitude from Dan, Emma and Dale in particular made it all worthwhile.”
The solution
Using a combination of printable cast vinyl and reflective vinyl, we transformed the white cow into the “space cow”. The challenge was then to make a space helmet for her. Two giant blown half spheres were created and then covered in vinyl with printed logos and symbols, this was then fitted and screwed into place. Daisy is now one of 50 life-sized cows, proudly displayed to celebrate Milton Keynes 50th Anniversary.